
DFL Appoints Two New Senior Vice Presidents

German football league, DFL, has announced the appointment of two new Senior Vice-Presidents, Marcus Beisiegel and Dr Vito Esposito.


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The appointments come as DFL CEOs, Dr Marc Lenz and Dr Steffen Merkel, make initial organisational adjustments and personnel changes to strengthen key areas of the business.


Effective 1 September 2023, Marcus Beisiegel will start as the new Senior Vice-President Audiovisual Rights and Media Product, in which he will be responsible for the German-language media rights tender as well as national and international product management.


He will take over this area from Dr Steffen Merkel. Marcus Beisiegel joined DFL in 2012 and most recently worked as Head of National Audiovisual Rights. In this position, he has already played a significant role in the tendering process for national media rights for many years.


“Marcus Beisiegel has been an integral part of the Audiovisual Rights department for more than eleven years and has made a significant contribution to the further development of the media product in this period.


“His in-depth expertise combined with many years of experience with the tendering process for national media rights are an excellent basis for successful work in his new role,” said Dr Steffen Merkel.


At the same time, Dr Vito Esposito has been appointed as Senior Vice President Institutional and Political Relations & Regulation. This newly established department will bring together institutional, political, sports policy and regulatory issues. As such, Vito Esposito will also support the areas of public affairs and rights protection, which is to be stepped up further to strengthen the media product.


Dr Vito Esposito started working for DFL in 2014, most recently acting as Head of Media, Commercial and Antitrust Law. In his new role, which he will take up on 1 September 2023, and will report directly to DFL CEO Dr Marc Lenz.


“In Vito Esposito, we have gained an esteemed expert for this important position. The establishment of this department is critical for strong representation of DFL when it comes to wide-ranging regulatory, political and sports policy issues.


WAs a legal expert with considerable experience in media rights, Vito Esposito is also ideally suited to strengthen the area of rights protection, which is a key priority for increasing the lasting value of DFL’s media rights,” said Dr Marc Lenz.





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