In Focus: AFSS Ltd - Hostile Vehicle Mitigation Systems
When looking for the correct HVM system for your specific stadium application/s, then look no further.
AFSS Ltd will walk you through the options available to you and not just based upon a single supplier.
We at AFSS Ltd will put in place the system that fits your requirements and security level.
AFSS Ltd recently tested HVM “PIPS” Public Impact Protection System which has been tested twice to; AWI 14.1 – with the following dead stop results – V/1500(M1)48/90:0.0 & V/1500(M1)48/30:0.0.
What does this mean, “PIPS” dead stopped immobilised both vehicles which prevented the vehicles from continuing. The system also prevented any part of the vehicle and vehicle debris travelling beyond the system face, which is unique to the “PIPS” system design.
This means that the “PIPS” HVM system is instrumental when deciding on a HVM system where pedestrians are venerable from VAW and debris.
Keeping people safe is what we do, inside and outside of the stadium footprint, linking the HVM with our access control solution including CCTV monitoring and detection systems to help remove ticket touts, undesirables and non-terrorists.
Call us today on +44 (0) 1767 318620 or email: to arrange a site meeting or to discuss your full requirements.