The English Football Hall of Fame: A History
Football is England’s favourite sport, and certainly the one that the English are proudest of. Debates about the game’s origins can certainly be had, as kick ball games date back to the ancient world. However, most historians agree that the game as we understand it today can be traced back to the Victorian Era, in England.
Over the years, England has produced some of the most well-known, most respected, and most talented football players in both the men’s and women’s division. As is the case in any sport, the athletes became national stars, and many even attained international fame. In order to celebrate their achievements, the English Hall of Fame was formed.
What is the English Hall of Fame?
The English Football Hall of Fame is a familiar concept to most people. After all, we’ve all heard the phrase “they belong in a hall of fame” when discussing an influential person, whose contributions to their sector are unmatched. The English Hall of Fame is an institution created to celebrate the English football players who have put England on the map, as far as the sport is concerned.
To this day, the English Football Hall of Fame is operational, and inducting new players. With football being as popular a betting sport as it is, it might not surprise some to learn that betting on EFHoF inductees is also quite a popular pastime. And with the drastic increase in online gambling, new gambling platforms available online are always looking to expand their betting options.
The English Football Hall of Fame is a notable English institution. Most people understand what its purpose is, and what it does. But, what some may not know, is how long ago did the Hall get established. In this article, we’d like to go over the history of the English Football Hall of Fame, and talk about some of the inductees therein.
The Early Years
Many people may believe that the English Football Hall of Fame is a decades-old entity. However, it was only founded in 2002. Certainly, it has been around for a while, but perhaps not as long as some may believe. Within its halls are memorialized close to 200 players, managers, and teams, for their contribution to the game that we all know and love.
When it was first established, the goal of the Hall of Fame was to elevate the people who, throughout English history, have greatly contributed to the country’s football scene. Not just players, but also managers and teams, who took the game from its humble origins to the massive, global success that it is today. When first established, the English Football Hall of Fame had three main categories.
– Players from the Men’s Game: this one is a simple category. Male footballers who have greatly contributed to the sport. · Players from the Women’s Game: another simple category. Female footballers who’ve elevated the women’s game.
– Managers: Managers whose guidance have proven incredibly effective, and who are just as iconic to a team as certain players.
Other Categories
The three initial categories remained unchanged for the first five years of the English Football Hall of Fame’s existence. However, over time, the management has added different categories, and have also given out “special awards” on a few occasions. In 2007, for example, the Hall created the Football for All category, and the Community Champion category.
– The Community Champion Award
The Community Champion award was designed to honor the professionals who donate their time or money to the cause of elevating grassroots football. To this day, there are quite a lot of footballers who continue to support grassroots movements, with Michail Antonio being one of the notable ones. The Community Champion award is sponsored by the Football Foundation, and remains a prestigious honor.
– The Football for All Award
The Football for All award was created in recognition of the numerous differently-abled people who have greatly contributed to the sport. The award is sponsored by the Football Association, and is given to those who’ve revolutionized and pioneered the various styles of football designed specifically for those with disabilities.
Since 2009, the Hall of Fame has also begun commemorating teams and coaches as well. Sometimes, a team is remarkable because of a few individual players. However, sometimes, all players come together to create one of the most well-oiled machines of a team that anyone has ever seen. It is precisely that phenomenon that the English Football Hall of Fame is trying to commemorate with this category.
Who are the Inductees?
We’ve spent a lot talking about the English Football Hall of Fame. But, when it comes right down to it, the reason most people have an interest in something like this is because of the inductees themselves. Which is why in this final section, we’d like to focus on the inductees who make up the English Football Hall of Fame’s walls.
In 2002, when the Hall of Fame first opened its doors, the museum inducted a whopping 22 players. All of the inductees were legends in English football, and many enjoy international acclaim. One of them was England’s top-tier goalie, Gordon Banks, who played for Chesterfield, Leicester City, and Stoke City, between 1958 and 1973. Gordon Banks passed away recently, in 2019, but his contributions to football remain carved in stone.
George Best is another of the first inductees. And he is certainly a player who lives up to his name. By far one of the best players England has ever seen, Best spent the majority of his career playing with Manchester United. In 2002, he was inducted for his incredible talent, football IQ, and overall contributions to the game of football.
Bobby Charlton was also another of the initial inductees. With a total of 207 goals throughout his career, Charlton definitely deserves a lot of praise. But, what most people remember Bobby for was his contributions to the English team that won the 1966 FIFA World Cup. Like Best, Bobby spent a good deal of his career playing for Manchester United, and upon retiring became the manager for the Irish national team.