
Wembley Stadium Introduces Enhanced Safety & Security Measures

Wembley Stadium will have additional safety and security enhancements in place at both Emirates FA Cup semi-finals this weekend.



The measures form part of the stadium’s preparations for this year’s UEFA Champions League Final, which takes place at Wembley Stadium on 1 June.


Among some of the changes fans can expect to see in place are additional ticket checks. Fans will need to show their tickets to stewards on arrival at the stadium footprint, and again when entering the stadium.


Security lanes and extra signage will also be in operation to direct the flow of people and ensure they enter the stadium via the correct zone.


The changes are part of wider safety and security improvements carried out across the stadium in recent months to improve the overall visitor experience at Wembley.


Stadium Director Chris Bryant, said: “Hosting a major event such as the UEFA Champions League Final involves a great deal of planning and change to our traditional match-day operations.


“We have been trialling many of the changes at events over the last 12 months. Now, as we approach the busy end of the football season, we will be putting in place the final pieces of the plan.


“The enhancements will improve the safety and enjoyment for everyone visiting Wembley Stadium.”


Brent Borough Council will also be conducting extra patrols to enforce the Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) which exists around Wembley Stadium.


Councillor Harbi Farah, Cabinet Member for Safer Communities and Public Realm, said: “We are very excited to be hosting the FA Cup semi-finals this weekend ahead of the biggest club game in world football this summer.


“Since the introduction of the PSPO we have seen a huge improvement, with less anti-social behaviour on match days. So, I am glad we continue to support Wembley Stadium events with increased powers so that we are set for some fantastic days ahead for everyone in our borough and across the world.”


Images: Dylan Hepworth/MB Media/Getty Images





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